Diagonal yellow bands on a silver body tinged with blue. Two black vertical bands on the face, one across the eye, blue patches. Quite a pretty face – even for a fish!
Four vertical black bands over a silver to silvery brown triangular body, which has a vertical clean cut backend beyond which is a tail – also truncate in shape.
Diagonal yellow bands on a silver body tinged with blue. Two black vertical bands on the face, one across the eye, blue patches. Quite a pretty face – even for a fish!
Distinctive black ‘face mask’ across the eyes with a white band above. Otherwise yellow below and black on top with some diagonal strips.
Distinctive black ‘dot matrix’ pattern over a silver body, and golden coloured rear end. (No to be confused with the Citron which has a similar pattern, but more uniformly yellow rather than silver and gold).
Clearly identifiable by its long nose. Different from the really-long nosed, in that the really-long nosed has speckles on its chin, the long-nosed doesn’t.
Another of the larger and well spread species. Distinct angular black lines on a silver body with yellow around the edges.
Another of the larger and well spread species. Distinct angular black lines on a silver body with yellow around the edges.
Called the Pin Strip for obvious reasons, though the banding is hardly pin-strip thickness. Also called Redfin after the anal fin – which is more orange than red really. Has a distinctive dark patch on one of the upper, horizontal lines along its side.
About the colour of a lemon-sorbet, covered with dark dots in neat lines. A black bar down the face across the eye.