The body is white with two sets of parallel black lines perpendicular to each other. Unlike the Vagabonds, the rear is completely orange, with a small oval black spot on the tip of the dorsal, which also has a trailing filament.
The body is white with two sets of parallel black lines perpendicular to each other. Unlike the Vagabonds, the rear is completely orange, with a small oval black spot on the tip of the dorsal, which also has a trailing filament.
White body with lemon yellow dorsal and anal fins and the lemon yellow extending over the top of the back. A dark line through the eye, and dark margin on the rear of the dorsal and anal fins running continuous through the caudal peduncle. A large black spot on the top of the back gives […]
Very similar to the lined butterflyfish: silvery body with dark vertical lines and a broad black band on the top of the rear of the body, but distinguishable by having a dark spot on the forehead separated from the black line through the eye.
Yellow body with grey bands over the back giving way to grey spots on the belly. Orange caudal peduncle and an Alice Cooper mark over the eye.
Dark body with rows of white spots. Yellow edged black line through the eye. White dorsal and caudal fins. Caudal fin has a black edged yellow strip, and a small orange margin on the top of the anal fin.
Dark body with rows of white spots. Yellow edged black line through the eye. White dorsal and caudal fins. Caudal fin has a black edged yellow strip, and a small orange margin on the top of the anal fin.
Called the Pin Strip for obvious reasons, though the banding is hardly pin-strip thickness. Also called Redfin after the anal fin – which is more orange than red really. Has a distinctive dark patch on one of the upper, horizontal lines along its side.
Called the Pin Strip for obvious reasons, though the banding is hardly pin-strip thickness. Also called Redfin after the anal fin – which is more orange than red really. Has a distinctive dark patch on one of the upper, horizontal lines along its side.
Yellow body and fins with gold edged vertical silver bands. A black edged gold stripe runs through the eye.