North Sulawesi’s Dive Industry is open for business, the diving is as mind-blowing as ever, and you can help the people of Palu.
Timor-Leste at the centre of the Coral Triangle, is one of the world’s most ecologically diverse – and least explored diving destinations.
Wolf Rock is famous for awesome pelagic action & it’s especially famous for grey nurse sharks, the only known gestation spot for pregnant grey nurse sharks.
Experience the variety of diving Kimbe Bay on New Britain’s northern coast line in PNG from Walindi Resort. Seamounts and pelagics, colourful reefs and sponge clad walls, and newly discovered aircraft wrecks.
The Reefs of Beqa Lagoon were once known as the soft coral capital of the world, but it’s now more famous for its shark dives, its colourful reefs are sadly forgotten.
Got a passion for fish and lots of them? Time to dive Raja Ampat, for the greatest fish diversity on the planet & THE place to see masses of schooling fishes.
Young documentary film makers Danielle Ryan and James Sherwood travelled to Komodo’s coral reefs in search of pristine coral. And they were not disappointed.
Shark diving in Fiji’s Beqa Lagoon, home to two of the best shark dives in the world with divers coming from all corners of the globe to see up to eight shark species being hand fed.
Try diving Menjangan Island and you’ll discover a side to Bali you may have thought disappeared 30 years ago. And some pretty spectacular diving.
Could Lord Howe island be the next go-to destination for technical divers? Recent exploratory dives on the island went to new depths and found new species.