Vis. It’s all we talk about. The first question we’re asked as we emerge from the water, and the first thing we rave (or complain) about, you know, before we get around to describing what we actually saw.
$56 billion – the total asset value of the Great Barrier Reef as calculated by Deloitte by assessing its economic, social and iconic brand value together. But what is the value of the Great Barrier Reef to the great Australian public?
The Solomon Islands Western Province has announced a total ban on plastic bags. The first Solomon Islands plastic bag ban.
Libby Edge, and her program, Eco Barge Clean Seas, is making a difference, reducing the impact of plastic pollution on her patch of The Great Barrier Reef.
Is the Great Barrier Reef dead? The Reef has had a tough 12 months, cyclones, bleaching and Crown of Thorns infestations. We need to get global to save it.
Many people visit the Solomon Islands to explore its many WWII wrecks, but the Solomons’ caves and caverns are just as much fun to dive.
This weekend, together with SO Manly & Surfrider Foundation, we hosted a screening of the enlightening film ‘A Plastic Ocean’. And it was a roaring success.
Alicia Shaw – the unassuming underwater photographer – is a full time professional teacher – but spends her spare time and holidays capturing pictures of the underwater world to inspire in others a sense of wonder of what’s just beneath the waves.
Photographer Imran Ahmed’s underwater images have won him many awards – find out what inspires Imran in our interview on the blog today.
Scott Portelli, an award winning wildlife, nature and underwater photographer, has spent thousands of hours in remote locations across the globe filming and photographing wildlife in the underwater environment.