Classic leatherjacket shape – just much smaller. Similar slow and awkward swimming style. Can be green, brown or yellow (more juvenile) with rows of pale spots in lines along body and emanating from the eye.
Mottled green-grey camouflage coloured body with black spots and blue scawlings.
Mottled green-grey camouflage coloured body with black spots and blue scawlings.
Adults grey-green-brown distinguished by a yellow patch at the peduncle (bit where body meets tail).
These are typical eastern variants: males are typically blue with a yellow blotch/patch on the middles of their sides. Truncate tail.
These are typical eastern variants: female has horizontal black and muddy-white stripes. Yellow rounded fan tail.
Would probably have been called the ‘common’ leatherjacket – but rough sounds better for a fish that already has a leathery skin. It has palish skin with dark blotches – particularly one above the pectoral fin.
Would probably have been called the ‘common’ leatherjacket – but rough sounds better for a fish that already has a leathery skin. It has palish skin with dark blotches – particularly one above the pectoral fin.
Would probably have been called the ‘common’ leatherjacket – but rough sounds better for a fish that already has a leathery skin. It has palish skin with dark blotches – particularly one above the pectoral fin.
Unusual member of family, apart from being very much the smallest – it has the ability to puff up like a pufferfish – probably because it’s the smallest!